Musk & Twitter death spiral week 2

It’s just the second? week of Twitter under Musk’s rule – and I can barely keep up. Here are some notable items from last week.

Sunday Nov. 6

Musk tweets and references ‘the big lie.’

One could add this to his earlier conspiratorial oops moment:

Nov. 7th – Just before election day

Elon Musk Deletes Fact-Check Added To His Tweet Blaming Ad Revenue Loss On ‘Activists’

Russia Reactivates Its Trolls and Bots Ahead of Tuesday’s Midterms

Twitter owner Musk backs Republicans on eve of U.S. midterms

Musk posts an update to the Twitter rules, but no one is able to read them because he fired the Twitter reliability engineers and the backend is broken.

@TheAndrewNadeau “Everything happening on Twitter now is a lot easier to understand if you‘ve ever had a younger sibling that invented a game and added a new rule every time they started losing.”

Nov. 8 – Election Day

Column: Elon Musk is breaking his new toy. Will it cost us our democracy?

Nov. 9 – after Election Day

Twitter Users Say Their Blocks on Musk’s Account Were Lifted

Nov. 10 – Blue Checks Revisited

The $8 blue check that Musk insisted would be “the great leveler” has done so, for scammers. Someone who bought their $8 bluecheck, changed their name to Twitter and has successfully fooled people…with a crypto scam.

Then due to anyone being able to buy a blue check, creative imposters came out to post the following – which had real life stock value consequences.

Nov. 11th – Twitter changes its mind about charging for blue checks.

Twitter pauses paid verifications after users abuse service to impersonate brands and people