Dec. 5, 2022 – Musk-Twitter Death Spiral Week 5

(Originally posted on who stripped out my screenshots)

I’d love to move these Musk posts to another blog but friendica couldn’t preserve links or images. In cany case, I’m abandoning this tracking effort at this time. It is starting to look like Twitter might not die very soon — despite its narcissistic billionaire openly aligning themselves with the extremist right wing, yet clueless why the market place is somehow rejecting him. I’m starting to think it will just turn into a version of Gab or Gttr. A cesspool of Nazi content, foreign bots, and for certain Asian markets — child sex material (details below). Seems on brand for these folks.

I have tried to document the lastest news and posts to capture for the historical record this spiral as I can. [Update 1/2/23 – I am locked out of Twitter due to their inability to provide tech support to TFA issues.]

Not sure what Musk was trying say in his post here — showing us guns on his bedside table next to this American history photo and several empty cans of caffein-free Coke? Is it supposed to make him look badass? It’s perplexing honestly.

Then he posts a Pepe frog (an image from 4chan aligned with right wing extremist online trolls associated with racist, violent posts) saying he “doesn’t care for this particular psyop.” What is he trying to imply with this Pepe image and glib statement?
Posted on his iPhone

It should not be a mystery why would one of the most brand-conscious companies in the world, Apple, would not want to advertise on a site now open to violent and racist content.

Other items from recent Twitter news
Twitter is now having trouble paying some employees on time
Apparently paying your European staff on time is not important to Musk.

Layoffs Have Gutted Twitter’s Child Safety Team
Only one staff remains to enforce the Twitter’s ban on child sexual abuse content across Japan and the Asia Pacific region. Curious for someone aligning with a right wing who seem to concern themselves over ‘grooming’, ‘trafficking’ and ‘pedophiles.’ Seems they are only really concerned about their ideological attacks on LGBT folks and harmless drag shows than actual child sexual abuse.

QAnon Is Back on Twitter — and It’s About to Get Much Worse
Elon Musk is expected to reinstate the tens of thousands of QAnon accounts that were banned after the Capitol Riot. This in combination with the above moderation failure is unsurprising considering that the person behind QAnon lived in Southeast Asia and ran a server filled with CSEM content.

Left-Wing Voices Are Silenced on Twitter as Far-Right Trolls Advise Elon Musk
Elon Musk has out-sourced decisions about who to ban from Twitter to the platform’s right-wing extremists.

Twitter stops enforcing its COVID misinformation policy
Twitter no longer to enforce its policy against COVID-19 misinformation, raising concerns among public health experts that this will have serious consequences if Twitter discourages vaccines and mask-wearing.

Twitter platforming actual Nazis
Elon Musk Is Turning Twitter Into a Haven for Nazis
Musk has welcomed neo-Nazis back onto the platform, engaged with them on his timeline, and posted multiple tweets that appeal directly to them.

Kanye West, whose been hanging out with white nationalists and went on Alex Jones to say that he loves Nazis and proceeded to defend Hitler, posted a swastika on Twitter and only got suspended for 24 hours.

Kanye only got permanently banned after posting the following pic of Musk.

But opening Twitter up for neo-Nazi’s is apparently a-ok for Musk.

The above metrics show the impacts of these and other earlier moderation changes under Musk.