“We are Round Rock” – at the Downtowner Gallery

Answering the call to interpret the theme “We are Round Rock” the Downtowner Gallery saw 60 submissions by 31 local artists. Covering a great variety of styles, some art focused on local nature or sports themes, others spoke to more abstract feelings.

Jennifer Landis – “Winterscape”

This show will last until Sunday, Nov. 17 – please visit and contact the artists directly if you are interested in any of the pieces. If their contact info is not provided please reach out to info@roundrockarts.org.

Nia Olabesi – “Red Hot Jazz”
Melissa Starkweather – “Fiddle leaf fig”

Enjoy this show and the public sculptures outside in the Main street square. Afterward take a walk through historic downtown Round Rock and enjoy a coffee at Star Coffee. 

Lucian Richards – “Solitude”